It was at the House of Joy Miracle Deliverance Church there in Denver, Colorado that God spoke to Pastor and Evangelist Vinson concerning the pastorate that awaited them, and in 1984 God saw fit to move the Vinsons to Marietta, Georgia to embark upon that mission.
After being commissioned by God to make their home in the city of Marietta, Pastor Thomas H. Vinson and his wife, Evangelist Carolyn Vinson founded Highpoint Christian Tabernacle in August 1985. The very first worship service was conducted in their home. Many services followed until God saw fit to move them to their first location, which was a small office space located off of Canton Rd.
In 1988, the ministry’s growth dictated a move to a small church building owned by the Calvary Children’s Home, which was the second of four moves that had been prophesied.
After working for the IBM Corporation for a period of 23 years, Pastor Vinson resigned his position in March 1990 to become the full-time Pastor of the Highpoint family.
In August of 1993, Pastor Vinson led the church to its present location, 3269 Old Concord Road in Smyrna, Georgia. The first building had a seating capacity of 700, but with God’s word being true, people began to come from the north, south, east and west until the house was full leading Apostle and First Lady to enlarge our borders. In February 2005 we dedicated our new Sanctuary, which seats 1200. Two buildings in one location, The POINT complex is estimated at nearly 6 million dollars.
There are approximately 27 different ministries here at the POINT, a Bible College for those interested in furthering their Biblical knowledge and understanding while obtaining a degree, a Tuesday evening Bible Study in Cartersville, Georgia and we’re also pleased to announce the formation of FIDC (Fellowship of Independent Churches).
Apostle and Evangelist Vinson truly love the Lord. It is their continued desire to see souls saved, delivered, and set free. Here at Highpoint, “Everybody is Somebody”, but most important it’s a place where God lives and dwells and we’re so happy about that!
We believe that God has commissioned the Highpoint Christian Tabernacle Church to be a beacon of light in a very dark world. From the inception of this ministry it has been our goal to see to it that people from all walks of life can come to a place where the unadulterated truth of the gospel is preached.
Down through the years it has been our vision and chief goal to provide a place where salvation and deliverance is wrought. This continues to be our main focus…soul winning.
Many ministries abound at Highpoint. These include ministries for adults, children, youth and seniors. We provide counseling services to all who have need through our family resource center. We offer pre-marital counseling and most recently, a ministry of sign for the deaf. We serve our community by providing a thriving outreach ministry and food pantry.
We have expanded the scope of ministry here at Highpoint to provide educational opportunities for those seeking to broaden their religious and biblical knowledge by starting a Bible College.
Highpoint has embraced its vision of soul winning and will continue to expand upon that vision by growing our community outreaches. We now have a branch of ministry in Cartersville, Georgia and hope to start other branches of highpoint as the lord directs.
Embrace the vision. For it speaks now and will do so for years to come.
We believe in the APOSTLE’S DOCTRINE - Acts 2:42, Eph. 2:20.
We believe in the VIRGIN BIRTH - St. Luke 1:26, 31, 35.
We believe in SALVATION - Mark 16:16, Luke 1:67-71, Acts 2:38, Acts 4:10-12.
We believe in WATER BAPTISM IN THE NAME OF THE LORD - Matthew 3:11-17, Acts 2:38-41, Acts 8:38-39, Acts 10:44-48, Acts 19.
We believe in FEET WASHING - John 13:14-15.
We believe in THE LORD’S SUPPER - Matthew 26:26-29, I Cor. 10:16, I Cor. 11:23-29.
We believe in the RAPTURE & THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST - Daniel 7:13-14, Joel 2:30-32, Matthew 24:27, Mark 13:20-27, John 14:3, Acts 1:11, I Cor 15:51-53, I Thess 4:16-17, Rev 1:7-8.
We believe in MARRIAGE (between one man and one woman “only”) - (Matthew 5:31-32, Matthew 19:9, I Cor 7:1-10, Hebrews 13:14, Genesis 2:18-22, Proverbs 18:22, I Cor. 6:9
We believe in the FIVE FOLD MINISTRY - Ephesians 4:11.
We believe in TITHES & OFFERINGS - Genesis 14:18-24, Malachi 3:8-10, Matthew 23:23, Luke 11:42, Hebrew 7:1-28.
We believe in FASTING - Isaiah 58:5-6, Matthew 6:16-18, Matthew 9:14-15, I Cor 7:5.
We believe in MODEST DRESS - Duet 22:5, I Tim 2:9-10, I Peter 3:1-3.
We believe in HOLY CONVERSATION - I Cor 14:40,1 Peter 1:15,1 Peter 3:16.
We believe in BEING HOLY - Lev. 11:44, Lev. 19:2, Lev. 20:7, Isaiah 35:8-10, I Cor 3:16-18, I Cor 6:19-20, I Thess 4:7, Hebrews 12:14, I Peter 1:14-16.
We believe WE ARE ONE IN CHRIST WITHOUT PREJUDICE - Galatians 3:26-29.
We believe in the BAPTISM OF THE HOLY GHOST - Acts 2:38, Acts 10:43-46, Acts 19:6, Joel 2:28-29.